Our Partners in Progress
- Charity Karma - Fundraising and NGO Management Software
- Child Rights and You on children promotion and ensuring rights , Kolkota
- National Rural Health Mission , Govt. of Orissa
- Water and Sanitation Mission , Ganjam and Kandhamal
- Directorate of Fisheries , Cuttack
- NABARD , Ganjam and Kandhamal
- Trocaire , Ireland on civil society promotion
- Christian Aid , UK on ensuring Dalit Rights
- DFID , UK , Relief distribution for Phailin affected areas
- Echo , USA on rehabilitation and promotion of livelihood Phailin affected communities
- Action Aid International , Itly on Dalit rights through child sponsorship
- Plan International/CYSD on relief and rehabilitation
- Centre for World Solidarity , Hyderabad on livelihood promotion
- Centre for Peoples Forestry , Hyderabad on forest based livelihood and protection
- Department of Environment and Forest , Govt. of Orissa
- Sir Dorabji TATA Trust , Mumbai on diversion based irrigation
- CAPART , Bhubaneswar on farmers capacity building
- PREM/Plan International , Berham Pur on Universal Birth Registration Campaign
- Usha International , New Delhi on women entrepreneurs through Silai Schools
- Rice Research Centre , Govt. of India , Cuttack