International Noble Work Development and Investigation Association (INDIA)
Over the years the organization has been engaged in raising voice against the discriminatory practices adopted by the upper class communities against
INDIA has been maintaining harmony in the society by intervening in cases leading to caste related violence as well as educating the community against it.
Women Rights
India has been taking various measures from time to time to empower women and make them resilient enough to fight for their rights.
Child Rights
The organization is committed to ensure the above rights of the children of the target area through its various intervention and facilitation programmes.They include checking malnutrition of children,
Land and Forest
Facilitating homesteads for the backward class communities (Scheduled castes, other backward classes) without land and ensuring forest land right for the tribals are the activities pursued by INDIA over the years.

Pro-active to the rights of the children and downtrodden (Dalits), International Noble Work Development and Investigation Association (INDIA) is a voluntary organization non-profit, democratic and secular in nature having its presence in the State of Odisha for nearly two decades. Formally registered in 1996 under the Society Registration Act, the organization came into being as a result of the effort of some youth volunteers fighting for the cause of the oppressed in Buguda block of Ganjam district way back in the early nineteen nineties. Over the years it has been engaged in advocating the rights of the Dalits and fighting for the issues related to their development with emphasis on the rights of children and women.
Operational Area
Initially INDIA Focused its intervention in the District of Puri, Jagatsinghpur, Kalahandi & Ganjam and then
keeping in view of similar problems persisting in its adjoining areas, the District of Kandhamal was included in the
are operation.
To-day, the Organization is working in 12 Blocks of Ganjam. 2 Blocks of Kandhamal , 2 Blocks of Ganjam of Puri ,
1 Block of Kalahandi & 1 Block of Jagatsinghpur Districts in State of Odisha. The area operation is mostly centered
on Dalit & Tribal dominated Villages yet to see the shine of development.
keeping in view of similar problems persisting in its adjoining areas, the District of Kandhamal was included in the
are operation.
To-day, the Organization is working in 12 Blocks of Ganjam. 2 Blocks of Kandhamal , 2 Blocks of Ganjam of Puri ,
1 Block of Kalahandi & 1 Block of Jagatsinghpur Districts in State of Odisha. The area operation is mostly centered
on Dalit & Tribal dominated Villages yet to see the shine of development.
Thrust Areas
While the issues of caste related violence, atrocities, and discrimination still remain major areas of intervention; education, health, migration, livelihood, land and forest rights, right to NTFP, women empowerment and youth action form the core programme approach and development intervention. In all these programmes and interventions special emphasis is put for the causes of children and women, primarily due to their vulnerability and multiple marginalization.
Helped Raise
INDIA believes in the power of individuals to bring about lasting and sustainable changes. Over the years, we have realised that more the individuals extending solidarity, the more is the impact of our efforts. Any institutional funding comes with an intention, good or bad. For our core activities, we bank upon people's voluntary support in terms of ideas, networks, time and money.